We bring the best of California's massage & bodywork knowledge to the lively city of Chiang Mai. Elevate your practice and be a part of our community of skilled and knowledgeable wellness professionals.

Authentic deep tissue techniques! You'll acquire insights that bridge the gap between different massage traditions. This experience will help you develop a well-rounded skill set, distinguishing you in the industry.

Deep Tissue Massage

  • Deep Tissue Techniques (November 22, 23 and 24) Friday-Sunday

  • Sacral & Lumbar Spinal Mechanics (November 30) Saturday

  • Cervical Spinal Mechanics (December 1) Sunday

Deep Tissue Techniques

  • 8 hours per day for 3 Days (9am-6pm)

  • Founder of the Morales Method®, Certified Advanced Rolfer™, MBA (

Course Description: This three-day class is designed to help manual therapists gain valuable Deep Tissue skills that they can integrate into their existing modalities while utilizing proper body mechanics. Students will learn to work deeply, effectively, and safely on all areas of the body and with a myriad of different tools from soft fists to the ulnar ridge. While learning techniques, students will also receive feedback on their body mechanics to learn how to safely and effectively create deep force.

Sacral & Lumbar Spinal Mechanics

  • 8 hours per day for 1 Days (9am-6pm)

  • What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

  • Founder of the Morales Method®, Certified Advanced Rolfer™, MBA (

Course Description: Learn techniques to become as effective as possible with clients suffering from low back pain. We will explore assessments and treatment techniques that will alleviate your client's back pain fast. Our instruction will focus on two main territories that are common culprits of back pain: the lumbar spine and the sacroiliac joint. After completing this course, students will have the tools to reduce their guesswork and increase success when addressing low back pain in their practice.

Cervical Spinal Mechanics

  • 8 hours per day for 1 Days (9am-6pm)

  • What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

  • Instrutor: OMH/BPI instructors with Guest Speaker, Marty Morales.

    Founder of the Morales Method®, Certified Advanced Rolfer™, MBA (

Course Description: Let's take a look at the intricate structural relationships of the muscles and the vertebrae of the cervical spine, how form and function influence one another, and how manual therapy can positively support and improve these relationships. Students will be taught the skills to track down dysfunction in the neck and the techniques to work deeply and effectively with clients’ trouble spots in order to restore balance, relieve pain, and improve range of motion and overall function. We'll also explore Fryette's Laws of Cervical Spinal Mechanics and combine this knowledge with skilled palpation and tissue work to relieve neck pain in your patients.